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Elevate Blue

Elevate Blue is a best-in-class virtual training that was designed to address the contemporary challenges faced by law enforcement agencies.

Police Vehicle Warning Signals—An Innovative Approach to Officer Safety - Police Chief Magazine

A patrol car in this community generally responds to two or three emergency (“hot”) calls per shift. Multiplying these figures gives RHPD the approximate idea of how much time each officer spends passing through intersections during each shift. In this case, it is roughly 1 minute, and 15 seconds per shift—in other words, during two-tenths of one percent of the shift a patrol car is within this danger zone.

Revised emoloyee family wellness guide.pdf

Employee and Family WELLNESS GUIDE I N T E R N AT I O N A L A S S O C I AT I O N O F C H I E F S O F P O L I C E 1SUPPORTING OFFICER SAFETY THROUGH FAMILY WELLNESS 2 Letter from Leadership 3 Local Resources 4 Helping Your Young Child Understand Your...


Laura Usher Stefanie Friedhoff Maj Sam Cochran Anand Pandya MD How chiefs can safeguard officer mental health before and after mass casualty events Preparing for the Unimaginable Laura Usher Stefanie Friedhoff Maj Sam Cochran Anand Pandya MD ...


SEPTEMBER 2015THE PROFESSIONAL VOICE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT 2 THE POLICE CHIEF SEPTEMBER 2015 http www policechiefmagazine org http www policechiefmagazine org THE POLICE CHIEF SEPTEMBER 2015 3 For officers...


Pragmatic Police Training 48 I N S I D E NOVEMBER 2019 MEET OUR NEW PRESIDENT Steven R Casstevens International Association of Chiefs of Police Vi......

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